Culture Change Needed ?
Sorry guys but if had asked me two years ago for my opinion of the Police I would have told you that they were a fair and professional service. However after seeing the other side of them I am sorry to say the testing should be done independently and should start with those in the job now. We are as tax payers spending a fortune training the new recruits only to turn the loose with the bad eggs that are already out there.
We have a culture of bad practice and no matter how many senior police officers stand and spout how the are behind the latest topic of the day unless those at the coal face are behind it then there will never be any change. We need to root out the bad eggs and start a new programme of retraining and the testing should be repeated every few years along with the a personal assessment system that reflects how the officer has performed over the past year.
In short we should have a Police service to be proud of, what we have is a complacent self-centred self-righteous service staffed by people who think the uniform gives them the right to act as they please.
For full context of this comment
see Police may extend screening tests to bar bigots at