Thursday, January 29, 2009

Contacting Absolutely PC

It has come to our attention that the e-mail contact information for AbsolutelyPC has become immersed somewhere in the site and almost impossible to find - so, our apologies to those who have been trying to contact us.

We have now added contact information to the sidebar, not just e-mail but telephone and fax as well.

The telephone service will take you to a recorded answering service - please do leave a message with your contact details and we'll endeavour to get back to you asap.

best regards


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Strathclyde Police and National Fitness Standard for the Scottish Police Service

The following article is extracted from

Strathclyde Police requires all new recruits to meet the new National Fitness Standard for the Scottish Police Service.

From 1st September 2007, all new applicants and recruits to the Scottish Police Service have been required to undertake the new national fitness standard as a demonstration of physical fitness.

The new standard replaces the variety of fitness testing regimes utilised by the eight Scottish Forces to date. In addition, it links into the fitness regime used by the Scottish Police College during both the Initial Training and Reconvention probationary courses.Once appointed, probationary officers will be expected to continue to demonstrate their fitness to the required levels throughout their probationary period.

Strathclyde Police appear willing to agree to this common standard yet have unilaterally rejected the common standards set down for colour vision by the Scottish Ministers, and approved by the same stakeholder bodies who will have agreed the new fitness standards, including ACPOS.

Throughout Scotland and the rest of the United Kingdom, potential police recruits know precisely how their colour vision fits with the acceptable standards for being a police officer.

Only in the area policed by Strathclyde are they given the message "you are not wanted".

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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Colour Vision and Cheshire Police

Cheshire Police and Colour Vision
Freedom of Information Disclosure

from Cheshire Police - Freedom of Information: Disclosure Logs - 2008

Severe Colour Vision Defect

Request "Severe Colour Vision Defect"

1. Has Cheshire Constabulary complied with Home Office Circular 25/2003 in respect of applicants to become a police officer with a Colour Vision Defect?

2. If yes, do you accept recruits with (a) mild, (b) moderate and (c) severe Colour Vision Defect?

3. If no, what standard do you apply for applicants to become police officers?

4. Please indicate the number of male and female officers who have been appointed by you since 2003 who have been identified as having a Colour Vision Defect.

5. What 'coping strategies' (Home Office 25/2003) have you incorporated into your training/operational policies for officers who have been identified as having a Severe Colour Vision Defect?

Response 17th December 2008
In accordance with section 1(1) (b) of the Act our response is provided below;

Question 1. Yes, Cheshire Constabulary complies with the afore mentioned circular.

Question 2. Each applicant is assessed by the provider of our medical services. Applicants are assessed individually and we cannot specify any further than this.

Question 3. As stated in question one,

Question 4. We do not hold this information. (held by the medical services provider)

Question 5. Each applicant is individually assessed by the medical services provider and with each one a series of 'Coping Strategies' and reasonable adjustments are put in place, which are unique to the applicant.

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