Thursday, May 29, 2008

Determinations of the Scottish Ministers on Eyesight Standards for Entry to a Scottish Police Force

It is set down in Statute that the Standards of eyesight for anyone seeking to be recruited as a police constable will be according to the determination of The Scottish Ministers. [The Police (Scotland) Act 2004 refers]

The Determination of the Scottish Ministers in this respect is according to Standards issued as an attachment to Police Circular 8/2003.

In respect to colour vision, the Medical Advisors to the Scottish Police Service (MASPS) have stated that "Full colour vision is not a requirement of the role of an Operational Police Constable"

The standards for Colour Vision are as follows:-
  • Those who see only in black and white (monochromate) will be rejected
    NOTE: in the majority of cases, monochromate vision is associated with other severe eyesight issues
  • Those who are assessed as being Dichromats should not be rejected on grounds of their colour vision.
    NOTE: Police forces are required to advise any such candidates of their status, make them aware of any issues which may arise from this and provide them with coping strategies which enable them to carry out their role.
  • Those who are assessed as being Severe Trichromat should not be rejected on grounds of their colour vision
    NOTE: Police forces are required to advise any such candidates of their status, make them aware of any issues which may arise from this and provide them with coping strategies which enable them to carry out their role.
  • Those who are assessed as being mild Trichromat should be treated as "normals"

The Standards as published by the Scottish Government can be found at

The standards proposed for Special Constables can be found at

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