Monday, October 16, 2006

Living in Strathclyde Police State

50% of the Scottish People are served by a police force which claims it does not require to comply with laws or direction from the Scottish Executive.

Strathclyde Police have rejected at least eight applicants for employment as police officers on the sole ground that they have a minor abnormality in their colour vision.

This decision is despite the fact that the Scottish Executive have laid down standards in law against which the police are supposed to judge the suitablity of applicants.

Strathclyde Police, however, state that the Police Regulations are only for their guidance and the Chief Constable has the final say on how they apply them.

It seems that those living in the former Strathclyde Regional Council do not require to take heed of our Scottish Parliament. We have, in its place, the dictatorship of Strathclyde Police !